YouTube rankings
28 views that's how many views my videos
used to get when I did not understand
YouTube keyword research now that I do
I've got hundred of videos ranking
number one in the YouTube search results
when people search for Pick Three AI
tutorial my video shows up number one
when they search for AI video generator
I show up number one when they search
for create faceless YouTube videos I
show up number one and number two this
results in YouTube search traffic
allowing people to find my video when
they search for these keywords this
helps me get more views subscribers as
well as general erate more revenue and
that is not just for my personal channel
on one of my faceless YouTube automation
channels I was able to get over 135
million views on the channel make over
half a million dollars in at revenue and
if I go to content and then reach you'll
see that over 61% is YouTube search over
19% is external which is Google search
so my keyword research strategies work
for any type of Channel if you're at a
stage where none of your videos do well
nor ranking search results this video is
made for you as up bre break down the
exact freest step strategy I use myself
to go from my videos getting no views at
all to my videos getting for example
24,000 views 600,000 views or even 3
million views by optimizing for keywords
and YouTube SEO so in this video I will
show you how to do keyword research this
is the best way to go about finding
keywords that you can actually rank for
there's so much fluff on YouTube from
people who've barely scratched the
service at this moment I've uploaded
over 5,000 videos generating me about
100,000 views every single day across a
few channels so trust me I've made all
the mistakes you can make and I have
finally found the best way to do keyword
research now this will make you go from
choosing the wrong keywords and wasting
your time and effort to being able to
find the right keywords so that your
videos can Rank and get views for months
if not years to come then I will show
you how to qualify a keyword how do you
differentiate the difference between a
good keyword and a bad keyword because
is finding a keyword in the first place
can be hard however that is only the
first step if you choose a bad keyword
this can mean that your video won't rank
or maybe it ranks but it doesn't get
views because there's no searge volume
because of that it is very important
that you qualify the keyword meaning you
do research to figure out if it would be
worth your time and effort to make a
video on this keyword and then the final
step of this puzzle how to optimize your
video with SEO to rank number one in
search how do you optimize your title
and descript destion to increase your
chances of ranking number one in the
YouTube search results this can make the
difference between ranking number one
and not ranking at all now there's only
two important steps for this however
doing one of them wrong already ruins
all of your effort now of course I will
show you both important steps in this
video to make sure that you can rank
number one and what's even more
important for you to know is that in
this video I will not sell you any
course or coaching I'm here to provide
you with everything I know about YouTube
keyr research and in return Le please
leave a like on this video And subscribe
that's all I'm going to ask for now with
that being said please get rid of all
your distractions and let's dive into
the world of keyword research on YouTube
now before I show you the sexy stuff
that's coming up what exactly is keyword
research now simply said doing keyword
research the process of finding what
people search for on YouTube and then
figuring out if we can potentially rank
our video for that specific search
phrase or keyword meaning if someone
searches for the keyword we found can we
get our video to show up high in these
search results AI video generator is one
of these keyword SL search phrases so
when people search for this my video
then shows up number two that is pretty
high they can click on that video and
then watch it okay so you now get what
it is however you still might wonder
Yuri why is this so important why do you
have to do keyword research if you want
to rank your video well simply set once
again if you make videos at random
chances are you won't get what you're
looking for which is good views and we
can prove that by taking a look at this
video video that I uploaded on August
24th 2020 so that is over 3 years ago
and this video only ended up getting 137
views why because I did not do any
keyword research I just made a video
that I thought would be interesting for
people on YouTube and I got proven wrong
because this video did not perform well
it's not ranking and in the last 48
hours it is getting zero views now let's
compare that to actually doing qer
research this is one of the videos that
I also uploaded February 21st 202 2
about 600 days ago and as you can see
there's still a lot of traffic coming
every single day from YouTube search 80%
is coming from YouTube search 5% from
external which is going to be Google
search and that makes up for the
majority of traffic on this video so
this video with keyword research had
114,000 views got me close to 600
subscribers as well as made me close to
$900 which is one video but the best
part is this video is ranking in the
search results and because of that it is
still getting views and making money
every single day so basically set
without keyword research you must rely
on YouTube showing your videos to people
on the homepage and recommended section
however if this doesn't happen and most
likely it will not especially if you're
just getting started you'll be stuck at
zero views however with the keyword
research you can properly analyze the
best opportunities to get views on your
video because before making your video
you already know that there's interest
because people search for your video
topic now now that you know that all you
need to do is show up in these search
results for people to discover your
video now once again taking a look at my
actual YouTube Studio this video right
there uploaded over 3 years ago only has
five views literally five views it made
me 1 cent on the first day since then it
didn't make me any money this video is
not ranking it's not getting any views
it's completely dead why because they
not do proper keyword research then
comparing that to this video right here
this video is well alive live as you can
see this video in total 88,000 views so
far made
$529 but the best part is every single
hour this is still getting views so in
the last 48 hours close to 1,000 views
last 60 Minutes 22 views most of it
comes from YouTube search so this video
is ranking really well as you can see in
the initial stages it wasn't getting
that many views but after a month or so
it started to pick up pick up pick up
and right now it's doing very very well
making about $3 every single day now to
finish that off I want you to answer
this question so when searching for
something online whether that be Google
YouTube whatever do you ever go to the
fifth page no right you click on one of
the first results that shows up so in
order to end up number one you need to
do keyword research I'll use a freest
step process for my keyword research
step one will lead into step two and
into step three now remember this will
be a very detailed tutorial so chances
are you might have questions about
certain things but the answers will
probably be given in the following steps
okay so step number one is finding
keywords people actually search for
because if you rank for a keyword that
nobody searches for you'll still get
zero views and that's not what we want
so one of the ways to find keywords with
search volume is by using the search bar
on YouTube when typing in something in
this bar YouTube will show you the most
relevant keywords to what you typed in
and this is based on YouTube data so if
we type in AI we will find a list of
keywords which is called search
predictions now all of these predictions
are based on what typed into this bar
initially so all of these keywords now
show up because people have actually
searched for it before meaning we know
for a fact that people search for this
which is exactly what we want so how do
I know for a fact that people search for
this simply said YouTube wants to show
the viewer the most relevant keywords
the keyword they are most likely looking
for and because of that they will show
search predictions based on most search
volume to least search volume so in the
search bar you can find all keywords
people actually search for on the entire
platform of YouTube so what we can now
do is use the search bar to find all
keywords people search for in your Niche
let's say my Niche is AI if I now type
in AI I will see a whole list of
keywords that I can potentially make a
video about now you can extract all
these keywords manually by doing a few
different combinations in the search bar
the first one is the alphabet method
after typing in a keyword you can type
in every letter of the alphabet to make
more detailed keyword show up for
example example if I type in how to a
you get this entire list of keywords if
I then type in how to B the list will
change and I get all of these how to see
once again the list will change if I now
add a word in between that for example
how to delete a this list shows up how
to delete B etc etc this will once again
be a whole new list of keywords for
every letter you put in you can then
change delete to a different word do the
entire alphabet again and once again
you'll get thousands of keywords so that
way you can already get endless keywords
to show up the second method is using
the underscore after typing in at least
two words you can put the underscore in
between them to see keyword people
search for using the initial two words
that you used for example let's say I
type in how to Instagram then I put the
underscore between them and you get to
see all of these keywords right here
there's a few more ways to combine
search strategies to find endless
amounts of keywords and that's exactly
what I did back in 2020 however it is a
bit of a pain and it takes quite a long
time to find all of these keywords
especially if you want to search for
very detailed long teal keywords that
have high search volume and low
competition since this year I found that
doing research is much easier as well as
quicker by using vid iq's keywords tool
all of the keywords that show up on vid
IQ are extracted from the search bar in
the first place which means we have
access to the exact same keywords
however with with vid IQ we can find
them much quicker as well as easier
especially for beginners reason for that
is because you don't need to play around
with all these combinations in the
search bar in the first place so what I
like to do on vid IQ is start off by
typing in the main keyword in my
industry let's say I make videos about
AI technology I will type in AI this is
the initial keyword that we search for I
call this the main keyword then I click
on matching terms what this does is that
it will show me more keyword words that
have my initial keyword that I search
for in it so Ai and then we get AI cover
AI news AI tools AI voice changer and
the list goes on and on so just with
that one click on matching terms we're
now able to find a dozen keywords that
include AI then you've also got related
keywords which is slightly different
however it also allows you to find tons
of keywords instead of showing you more
keywords that has your keyword in it
related keywords shows you similar
things to what your keyword is so for
example searching for AI will also show
you stuff that includes AI but it will
also show you keywords that don't for
example machine learning deep learning
Future tools mat wolf so just to get it
clear matching terms will show you
keywords that include the keyword that
you search for related keywords will
show you similar things to the keyword
that you search for not necessarily
including the keyword itself but that's
not the good part what I like the most
is that I can now click on any of these
keywords and do the same thing so let's
say I click on AI voice changer AI voice
changer will now become my keyword that
I search for if I then click on matching
terms again I will once again get a list
of dozen of keywords that include AI
voice changer so I went from searching
for AI then clicking twice to finding
all of these keywords right here and
that is why vid IQ is so powerful
because you're not going to be able to
do it that quickly with just the search
bar alone you'll see that if I just
search for AI I will also get to see AI
voice changer but then I need to type in
AI voice changer and then I'll just get
this list of keywords however on vid IQ
with AI voice changer I will get much
more and in case you'd like to try viq
Yourself by the way I will leave my
personal link down below which allows
you to try viq premium for just $1 for
30 days now this video is not sponsored
by viq however I asked them if they can
arrange a special deal for my
subscribers and they did so thanks to
them you can get this exclusive $1 for
30 days deal with the link in the
description down below so right here
I've got a keyword that says realtime AI
voice changer now for the research part
I don't use the search volume score or
the competition or anything like that in
my opinion this is not that accurate I
will definitely ignore it and the reason
I say that is because everyone has
access to these scores so if you're
going to go based on these scores alone
everyone can do the exact same as you
you don't have the skills yourself to
understand why this might be a good
keyword and why this might not be a good
keyword so because of of that I don't
really take a look at this course too
much because number one they're not
extremely reliable and number two
everyone has access to the same score so
if we're going to decide to make a video
just based on that score and everyone
will do the same we're all going to make
the same video and we've got no
competitive advantage over everybody
else that's using these scores to do
their keyword research whereas if we do
the research ourselves we can understand
the keyword better and crush the
competition so instead what I do is I
copy the keyword simply select it click
copy one keyword then go to YouTube and
simply search for the keyword that you
found which in my case is realtime AI
voice changer and then search for it but
before I show you step number two which
is how you can find a difference between
good keywords and bad keywords which
will decide whether your video is going
to get views or no views at all let's
first do some more keyword research and
fill out this list of keywords that
later in this video I can an analyze so
that you can see exactly how I operate
and how I do this in real time going
back to vid IQ keywords I'm now going to
search for the keyword that we just
found which is real time AI voice
changer if I now click on matching terms
I'll be able to find even more in-depth
keywords for example music AI voice
changer real time so this is even more
specific and often times the more
specific aka the longer the keyword yes
there will be a bit less search volume
however there will also be much less
competition so for example if around
4,000 people are searching for this yet
no one has made this video right there
we can very easily get about 4,000 views
per month now once again don't trust
these course too much but it's just an
indication so music AI voice changer
real time is another keyword I'm going
to copy and we're going to add that to
the list let's try and fight one more
Topic in the AI Niche before switching
to a different Niche once again I'll
start out by searching for AI click on
matching terms and I'll just scroll
through the results so right at the bat
what I noticed is that photoshop AI is
one of the results now Photoshop is a
pretty big platform which means that on
a lot of these keywords there might be
some good traffic so then I will click
on Photoshop AI scroll back up click on
matching terms again to find more
detailed longtail keywords about
Photoshop AI because just Photoshop AI
is most likely going to be way too
competitive especially if we have a
small channel so we're now matching
terms for Photoshop AI let me scroll
down and see what I find so right there
I notice how to use Photoshop AI that
right there is a very good keyword as it
will allow us to create a tutorial video
which of do well for ranking so this one
has caught my attention now what I could
do is right away save this one itself
let's put it in the list however chances
are that this is still too competitive
so what I'm going to do as well is click
on this one again so now we have how to
use Photoshop AI then go to matching
terms to find an even better keyword so
once again we've got a whole list
however the search volume does need to
be decent which is why this one how to
use Photoshop AI Genera a fill seems
very interesting to me this is a very
specific keyword judging by vid iq's
search volume and competition score this
is going to be great but once again you
do not want to pay too much attention to
that it is just a nature of this keyword
that seems pretty good to me so this one
I'm going to copy put it in my list
again then if I keep looking this one
right there how to use the new
generative AI Photoshop is also pretty
interesting so you can definitely save
more than one keyword for the search
phace that you've done because this is
exactly why vid IQ speeds up the entire
process if you only save one keyword
then you start doing the research arch
for your entire list let's say that how
to use Photoshop AI was too competitive
I cannot directly research the other two
whereas now because I've also saved
these ones I can directly analyze them
too speeding up the keyword research
process like crazy let's try some
platform specific keyword research for
example you know that canva is a great
tool a lot of people use it and you make
videos about canva you can start off by
typing in canva then click on matching
terms and then right at the bat you'll
see all of these keywords right here now
of course you can already keep clicking
on a few of these keywords right here
canva magic Studio seems interesting as
I think that's a new feature so let me
click on that one then scroll back up go
to matching terms and here we go how to
use canva magic Studio how to use magic
studio in canva canva Magic Studio AI so
once again we've got a whole list of
keywords now instead of clicking on
matching terms you can also click on
related keywords if I do that for the ca
keyword and I now start scrolling you'll
see the massive topics right here
however I can already tell you these are
going to be way too competitive but if I
continue to scroll through this list for
example how to use canva app seems like
an interesting one to me so what I'm
going to do is I'm going to save this
keyword and put it in my list and the
best part is knowing the strategy you
can do this for every platform for
example let's say you make videos about
Shopify you type in Shopify let's go to
matching terms then right away all of
these are the very big ones so I'm not
going to use these ones however Shopify
SEO seems pretty interesting so I'm
going to click on Shopify SEO then once
again this is still a pretty big term so
I'm going to go to matching terms to
make it even more detailed and then from
here on as you can see I'm able to find
uh Shopify SEO optimization now I myself
I would have never thought about that in
the first place however with that IQ by
just clicking twice I'm now able to find
it so I'm going to select it copy it and
once again put it in my list let's show
you one more example before we get into
step number two let's say you make
videos about marketing let's search for
marketing let's then go to matching
terms the second term right there
digital marketing let's click on that
then once again we'll go to matching
terms now what I noticed right at the
bat is that the keywords that show up in
the first place have a lot of search
volume why because these are not very
specific keywords this is just an entire
industry as a keyword so this is
probably not what I'm looking for so
instead what I will do is scroll down
and just see which keywords I notice for
example how to start a digital marketing
agency that is a specific detailed
keyword for example how to get clients
for digital Market marketing agency so I
will take these two keywords and put
them in my list step number two is
researching whether there's actual
search volume as well as if you've got
the opportunity to rank your video the
way I do that is by opening up the
ranking videos in a brand new tab so
right click open a new tab right click
open a new tab and then right here open
a new tab so I've just opened all the
high ranking videos for the keyword that
we found with it IQ which was realtime
AI voice changer so always search for
the key word that you find in vid IQ and
then open the ranking videos then in
order to see how many views the ranking
videos are getting we need vid iq's
feature called historical data now this
is the only tool that allows us to get
data from other people's videos and with
this tool we can check the performance
over time but more importantly the views
per hour this video is getting as of
right now which will save us from making
a big mistake and that's the mistake
most people make that keeps them from
getting a lot of views because look at
this let's say I found this this keyword
how to change fun on Tik Tok one of the
ranking videos has 224,000 views I could
now think I found a good keyword with
vid IQ because this channel is ranking
for my keyword has 224,000 views I can
now very easily think I would love to
get 200,000 views myself so let's make
the video however I didn't check if as
of right now people still search for
this because if I now take a look at the
views per hour on this video you can see
that vid IQ stopped tracking it in May
2022 and back then it was not even
getting one view per hour which means
that if it's not updated as of right now
it's not getting any views whatsoever
and that's the mistake this channel made
right here they made the exact same
topic but they didn't check if people
were still searching for this because of
this this video only has 395 views not
even enough to get the data to show up
in the first place on this video so with
the historical data tool we can
differentiate the difference between a
good and a bad keyword if the high
ranking videos all get good views per
hour that's a great sign that people
still searching for this if all of the
ranking videos used to get a lot of
views per hour and now get zero views or
the tracking is not up to date that is a
very bad sign now to get the historical
data feature to show up you do need a
vdq account all you need to do for that
is add the vdq browser extension which
you can easily do through the Google
Chrome Store now the extension works
with a free version of viq however you
do need a paid account to get access to
the historical data for that I'll leave
my personal Link in the description down
below which allows you to try VI IQ
premium for just $1 for 30 days now when
you sign up it will ask you to connect
your YouTube channel now don't worry
about this I know it might seem weird at
first but vdq is verified by YouTube
I've used this for four years and I
never had any concern or issues so don't
worry it is totally safe with that being
said let's analyze our keyword so this
is the number one ranking video for the
keyword realtime AI voice changer if we
take a look at the views overall we can
see that it's still going up quite
steadily which is a good sign initially
it got about 2,000 views in the first
day but this is from a channel called
Andy AI which already has 880,000 plus
subscribers so it is safe to say that
the initial bump of views came from his
subscribers which is always something to
look out for if you're analyzing a graph
from a very big Channel and the video
has a lot of views it is most likely
that the initial views came from
subscribers what you want to look for
when you want to rank a keyword to get
search traffic is whether this video is
continuing to get views every single day
which from this line itself we can say
that that is indeed the case then next
up which is more important let's take a
look at views per hour once again
initially gets about 100 views per hour
which is from his subscribers don't pay
attention to that instead let's take a
look at a few weeks after uploading as
well as right now so you can see that a
few weeks after upload uploading about a
month later this video is still getting
about 9 10 8 views per hour which is
very good which brings up the question
what is a good amount of views per hours
to look for now the answer will depend
on your channel size let's say you're a
small channel that just started getting
five views per hour or let's say 30
videos because you upload daily within
the first month you'll be getting about
3,600 views every single day out of that
you might gain around 20 subscribers per
day and very easily you'll be able to
reach 1,000 subscribers within your
first two months on YouTube which means
that five views per hour on a video is a
great result however if you're a big
Channel with 100,000 subscribers getting
five views per hour won't do the job for
you and because of that I'd like to take
a look at it this way I analyze the top
fre ranking videos for my keyword I add
up the amount of views per hour it is
getting and divide it by free if the
number that comes out of that is
something I'd be happy with to get on my
video I make the video if the number
that comes out of it is something I
won't be happy with I leave the keyword
so the views per hour that you should
look for is kind of a gray area simply
do the research and if the amount of
views per hour is some of you desire you
know that is worth it chances are this a
search traffic because this video is
ranking number one for that keyword and
that way we kind of need verified that
there are still a lot of people
searching for this keyword at this
moment this video is getting about 7even
or six views per hour which will equal
out about 144 views per day which is not
bad at all on a monthly basis that is
4,000 views if you can get 25 videos
like this you're already at 100,000
views per month it all starts to add up
over time now I happen to know ndi
personally so I sent him a text asking
if he can confirm that this video isn't
he getting traffic from search and as
you can see he came through send me the
screenshot and as you can see 75% of the
traffic isn't coming from YouTube search
on that video so we were correct then
let's take a look at the second ranking
video for that keyword so so once again
we're going to go to historical and we
can once again see the graph is going up
very steadily which is good to see if we
take a look at views per hour it's even
better this video is getting about 100
views every single hour as of right now
having analyzed that I can definitely
tell you there's a lot of search traffic
for this type of keyword and then we've
got video number three right here
however this is a tricky one the reason
for that is because this title does not
match at all with our search phrase our
search phrase is Real Time AI voice
changer right there this only contains
AI voice changer which means that this
video might be doing well on a different
keyword than we found so you always want
to make sure that the videos you analyze
include the keyword that we found in the
first place however the first two videos
do indeed get quite some good traffic
which means we didn't confirm that
people are searching for this once
you've confirmed that the videos are
still getting views what you can do
additionally as well is open up the
channel in a new tab and then with the
VQ extension you can can click right
here on these free dots click view
trending videos trending videos from vid
IQ allows you to see which videos are
currently getting the most views per
hour on a channel which as you can see
apart from these two shorts the video
that we found with that keyword is
indeed their best performing video which
is also a very good sign so if the high
ranking videos are getting good views
per hour and is one of their trending
videos this will be a good keyword which
brings us to step number three now that
we found a good keyword that hasn't de
got search draft
we need to figure out if we can rank our
video for that we're going to research
these four points number one are they
using the exact keyword in their title
as I told you before YouTube wants to
show the most relevant video to the
audience so that it's most likely they
will click and watch a video that way
YouTube makes more money so knowing that
YouTube will serve the most relevant
video to an audience what they will do
is show the video most relevant to a
keyword which means that if you include
your keyword in the title preferably at
the start of your title you'll rank
higher than videos that don't include
the exact keyword and I can show you
that right now so let's say we search
for realtime AI voice changer as you
will see the number one ranking video is
indeed real time AI voice changer which
is a direct match with our keyword the
second video from Andy has best AI voice
changer real time so Andy has switched
up these keywords making him not outrank
this person right there even though his
video is much longer and accumulates
more watch time now the reason and this
video was initially ranking number one
when I searched for this was because I
was signed into my account and I've
previously watched videos from Andy so
if you want to do proper research always
do this in a private window so that all
of the results are 100% clean so knowing
all of that what we're looking for when
researching is videos that are ranking
very high that do not include the entire
keyword now for this keyword that
unfortunately is not the case as the
number one ranking video does indeed
include the exact keyword the way you
can research that that very easily is
taking the keyword copying it clicking
on the free dots in Chrome click find
and then search for this and then as you
can see it will show you how many people
have this it will always have one result
because it's what we search for so every
number above one means one of the videos
includes the exact phrase so as you can
see there's only two results which means
only one video has the exact keyword in
their title and because of that this
video is ranking number one now first of
all let me back that up so notice how
this video is now number one because
it's the most relevant let's now search
for this best AI voice changer real time
I've not searched for this yet but I can
guarantee you that Andy's video will now
show up number one simply because it
matches my keyword so let's search for
this and there we go as you can see and
the AI now shows up number one why
simply because our keyword that we
search for is the exact title that he
has confirming that you want to use the
exact keyword in your title so knowing
that your video can wank number one when
you use the exact keyword in your title
ultimately what we want to find is
videos that rank very high in search
that do not use the exact keyword as
their title which leaves the opportunity
for us to do that exact thing so once
you found a keyword that has ranking
videos who do not use the exact keyword
that is a great sign you can outrank
them Point number two is taking a look
at the channel size if you search for a
keyword and all of the ranking videos
are from Channels with millions of
subscribers you're probably not going to
outrank them as a small Channel which is
the case for the keyword shopy tutorial
as you can see the number one ranking
video has 400,000 subscribers the second
ranking video 235,000 subscribers almost
800,000 subscribers
350,000 making this a very very hard
keyword to rancom simply because the
competition has very big channels as
well as high quality content so that
would be a bad sign however if you
search for a keyword and a lot of the
ranking videos are from small channels
or channels that don't have hundreds of
thousands or millions of subscribers
subcribers that is indeed a good sign
because if they were able to rank as a
smaller Channel you can do the same
Shopify SEO optimization is a great
example for a keyword that you probably
able to rank on because there are
smaller channels ranking very high the
number one ranking video is from a
Channel with just 9.6k subscribers which
is not big at all the second ranking
video is from a channel that's even
smaller just 3.9k subscribers like we
saw earlier in this video as well the
third point is video length so YouTube
is known to rank videos based on the
total watch time that video accumulates
which means that if all of the ranking
videos are kind of short and you can
make a longer plus a better video and
that is the key point there you don't
just want to make a longer video for the
sake of it because then the quality will
drop but a longer and better video that
is once again a great sign that you're
going to outrank them because it will
accumulate more watch time people will
enjoy it more or at least that's what
YouTube will think because that's a sign
it gives and because of that you can
outrank the currently ranking videos
Point number number four that I like to
take a look at is the thumbnail let's
say that all of the ranking videos have
extremely bad thumbnails and you see an
opportunity to make a much better
thumbil that once again is a great sign
you will outrank them because your CTR
your clickthrough rate will be higher
and because of that once again YouTube
will show your video much higher than
the videos with a very low clickr rate
Leonardo AI tutorial is one of those
keywords as you can see the first two
ranking videos in my opinion don't have
the best thumbnails as you can see the
first one has text that is over lapping
a logo as well as overall just doesn't
look that great same goes for the second
one as you can see there's a lot of
stuff going on the text is kind of hard
to read as well as it doesn't look
professional now that is perfect for us
so what I did I created a brand new
thumbnail how I would create it which
look like this on the right hand side
we've got the character from Leonardo AI
we've got the Leonardo AI logo so that
people will recognize it as well as it
simply says complete tutorial 2023 very
easy to read bolt font and I use a
yellow text on a black background so
that the contrast is good the new new
version will outperform this one every
single day of the week same goes for
this one once again this one in my
opinion much much better and by the way
if you want to figure out what your
thumbnail looks like before uploading it
there's a website called thumbs
where you can upload your image right
here insert your title and then by doing
so you can see what it looks like on
YouTube you can even see it per device
as well as the traffic Source now having
our checklist with points to look at
when doing research for a keyword let's
research the keywords that I was able to
find earlier in this video starting off
with music AI voice changer real time so
let's make the search and as step number
one is opening up the first free ranking
videos to see if there's any traffic on
these kind of videos now when doing that
keep in mind that the titles have to be
somewhat related to the keyword that you
search for which for this video it isn't
need the case now this video we've been
able to see earlier is getting gray
traffic the second ranking video is the
exact same thing as you can see over 100
views per hour as well and then the
video that was ranking number for free
it's not doing that well it's about 1.5
views per hour which is a massive
difference so now knowing that there
seems to be some sort of interest
because these videos are getting crazy
views per hour so what I would do next
is first of all take the keyword go to
find and then see if there's anyone that
has our exact keyword in their title
which as you can see right there one out
of one which means no one has this exact
title which honestly couldn't be better
which also means that point number three
we don't even have to take a look at
simp because there is no direct
competition on this exact keyword so
even if there are big channels ranking
right here if we use our exact keyword
as our title we're going to outrank them
when people search for this specific
keyword which is perfect and then the
same goes for the video length as well
as if there's a good or bad thumbnail
now the video length right here could be
much better so we can easily create a
better video while also making it a
little bit longer for this one that's
going to be hard because it's 18 minutes
however like I I said because no one has
the exact keyword this will still get
the job done for us this means that
music AI voice changer real time is a
good keyword to make a video about to
get our video to rank for that keyword
simply because there seems to be zero
competition the second keyword is how to
start a digital marketing agency first
of all as always let's open up the
ranking videos in a brand new tab and
here's what we get so the first video is
indeed getting quite steady traffic this
is most likely YouTube search simply
because it goes up very steadily so that
right there is a great sign currently
getting about two views per hour which
to be honest could be a lot better
because that will only get us about 50
views per day but still that's 1500
views a month and these kind of videos
have a very high CPM which means
technically it's still might be worth it
taking a look at the second video this
one is getting even more views you can
see about 40 views per hour let's check
that right there 50 views per hour even
as of right now as well as it continues
to go up very very steadily which is
good to see and the number three is even
better if we go over here you can see
132 views per hour however what I
already noticed is that the channels
that are ranking are very big you can
see 100,000 subscribers 800,000 and then
3.7 million so the video that isn't
doing as well as the other two is from a
channel that simply doesn't get views
anyway most of the time if we take a
look at that right here Mike nardy
normally gets a few hundred views per
video so this for him is actually a
pretty good video so based on this we
might still make the video however if we
then analyze number two and three which
is from Central media as well as imangi
these are very very big channels and
chances are that this video is simply
getting pushed in the recommended simply
because this video is ranking number one
as we can see right here however this is
only getting a few views per hour and
then these other two videos that are
ranking lower are getting significantly
more traffic I'm talking 10x maybe even
50x to views per hour knowing that this
is from Big channels chances are that
the views come from recommendations
making this not a good keyword for us
why because we cannot be sure that the
traffic isn't coming from YouTube search
as well as that all of the ranking
videos are from very very big channels
which have a lot of authority they have
great content so it's going to be hard
to compete with them so how to start a
digital marketing agency is not a good
keyword to make a video about to rank
and search however we've got another
version of that how to get clients for
digital marketing agency so our first
video right here is getting about two
views per hour which once again comes
down to about 50 views per day the
second ranking video is at 1.4 views per
hour and then the third one is at 6.7 so
right at the bat it's interesting that
this one is getting 6.7 while the other
ones are significantly lower the reason
for that is because the keyword doesn't
match this is about how to get your
first smma client which is not our
keyword our keyword is how to get
clients for digital marketing agency so
this right there we cannot really
include in our research simply because
the video is about something different
so we're going to get rid of this one
this video right here is somewhat
similar it's about getting clients but
it's an ad agency which once again is
not really our keyword it is still
somewhat related so you can use it to
get an idea of whether there is any
interest at all in this kind of topic
which this video got 35,000 views which
is somewhat all right it's not bad so a
lot of people aren't interested in this
but the first one is a much better
result as you can see five ways to get
clients for your digital marketing
agency so this is indeed our keyword
that we're trying to rank for so judging
based on this video itself the traffic
right here is somewhat all right
especially if you're a small channel in
the marketing Niche but what gives me
even more hope is that if I take the
keyword right there and that I search
for this is that no one has the exact
keyword apart from this guy right there
but this video is uploaded 2 years ago
which which means it's a pretty old
video so knowing that there is some
decent traffic on this keyword and
knowing that only one person has the
exact keyword as their title we can now
look at Point number three which is a
channel size and that is why I'm very
optimistic about this keyword because if
we take a look at this channel right
there which is ranking number one Danny
via you can see that this channel only
has 1.4k subscribers and if we go to
popular you'll see that this is by far
his most popular video which honestly it
doesn't get much better than that
because if this guy that barely uploads
that normally doesn't get any views was
able to get his best performing video
with our keyword chances are we can do
the exact same so Point number three
small or big channels definitely small
channels which is a good sign for us
then point number four the video length
it's 11 minutes which is pretty
significant so that is pretty good for
him now chances are we can still make a
slightly longer video that is even
better because this topic there's a lot
to it so we can definitely make a
slightly better and longer video
which once again is a good sign for us
regarding the thumbnail it's a pretty
decent thumbnail it's not bad by any
means however I definitely see room to
improve it which once again is a great
sign for us making this keyword how to
get clients for digital marketing agency
a great keyword for a small channel in
the marketing industry and then let's do
one more keyword canva tutorial for
beginners as you know by now opened up
the ranking videos the first one is
getting 50 views per hour which is
definitely great second one is at 16
views per hour and then the third one is
also at 50 views per hour which
definitely means there's a lot of
traffic on this keyword next up let's
figure out if people have our exact
keyword in their title which as you can
see 42 results show up which means
there's an insane amount of people that
have our exact keyword in their title
which for us is a pretty bad sign then
also looking at the channel size of the
videos that are ranking you can see
almost 200,000 subscribers 400,000
almost 100,000 000 the same channel
right there 1.5 million canva itself
with 300,000 so safe to say the
competition on this keyword is insane
there is very big channels ranking for
this topic which is a very bad sign for
us then also looking at the video length
of these videos right here as well as
the thumbnails considering everything so
far this is definitely not going to be a
good keyword simply because the
competition is way too high and way too
good the traffic on this keyword wasn't
need perfect as these videos are getting
50 views per hour however we're simply
not going to beat these kind of channels
especially if you don't have one of
those big channels yourself and that is
how I research the keyword once I have
found it now that we have completed step
number one which was keyword research
step number two was checking if people
actually search for this and if you have
an opportunity to rank for this keyword
it is now time for step three which is
SEO for SEO once again we're going to be
taking a look at four different points
that we need to do correctly in order to
to rank our video number one for the
search phrase starting off with Point
number one which is having the exact
keyword in your title preferably in the
beginning of your title remember youu
will show the most relevant video to a
search phrase that someone has made
because of that you want to include the
exact keyword in your title making you
rank much higher than people that do not
use that exact keyword in their title so
one of the keywords that we found that
was actually good was Shopify SEO
optimiz ation so right now I will do the
SEO for that specific keyword so that
you can watch over my shoulder how to
implement this starting off with the
title now the title is the most
important part of all of this okay so
the title our keyword Shopify SEO
optimization what I will be doing is
simply starting off my title with that
exact keyword so I will say Shopify SEO
optimization and there we go so by doing
that my exact keyword is indeed at the
beginning of the title which couldn't be
better however we also want to make it a
clickable title we don't want to keyword
stuff it try to hack the game too much
people also need to be able to read it
and actually want to click on it and
because of that I think about adding
something like Shopify SEO optimization
tutorial for beginners now what you
could potentially do is include multiple
keywords in your title so you could go
back to VI IQ keyword section go to
Shopify SEO either go related keywords
or matching terms to see if there's
something else that people also search
for so tutorial for beginners is
something that I can include in the
title after my main keyword this will
make it a clickable title as well as I
add another keyword in there which could
help me ranking for that exact keyword
too so Shopify SEO optimization and then
I'm going to add tutorial for beginners
just like that and to be honest that is
all that I need to do for this keyword
I'm going to add brackets and then add
2023 in my opinion that just makes it
look a bit better a bit more clickable
but but you can play around with that
yourself it is not that important the
most important part right here is that
you have the exact keyword which is this
one that you found in your title
preferably at the beginning of your
title then point number two adding a few
matching terms in the description so
first of all what I always do I take my
title I copy this and I put it at the
top of my description because when
searching for a keyword on YouTube you
will see that the beginning of the
description doesn't show up right here
in the search result results on desktop
once you've done that it is time to add
a few matching keywords as well as
related keywords in your description to
tell you to what your video is about as
well as potentially show up for those
related keywords so for that I simply
hit enter twice I will go back to VI IQ
I will go to related keywords and I'll
take a look at the keywords that show up
right here as well as in the matching
terms section and then what you want to
do from here is not just keyword stuff
them what I see a lot of people do
they'll select all of these and they
simply paste it all in here however that
is against the termos service from
YouTube instead what you want to do is
make it a readable description while
still including these keywords so here's
what I'll do I'll type in in this and
then I'll include the main keyword so
I'll say in this Shopify SEO
optimization tutorial and then right at
the backat once again we have put our
keyword in the description I will show
you how to and that potentially leaves
me room to include another keyword so
I'll go back to VI IQ and I'll try and
find a keyword that somehow solves a
problem related to Shopify SEO because
then I can say in this Shopify SEO
optimization tutorial I will show you
how to XY Z I can solve a problem right
there right there I found a keyword
Shopify search engine optimization so I
can copy this one go back to YouTube how
to do paste it how to do Shopify search
engine optimization perfect included
another related keyword now once again
the goal of this is to tell YouTube what
our video is about but also potentially
show up for these keywords right here
let's go back to vid IQ we can also
click on questions which is going to
show you questions now this could be
useful for your description usually
titles or keywords itself they don't
have that much search volume because
most people don't search in a question
kind of way on YouTube however for
example this keyword right there how to
optimize Shopify store for SEO I can
take this right there then I can go back
and I can say you might be wondering how
to optimize Shopify store for SEO but
worry I'll show you all there is to
SEO so that you can launch a successful
dropshipping business so right there
Shopify dropshipping business is another
keyword that I just included and that's
exactly what you need to do this right
there is already a pretty decent
description for us to rank for that
keyword as we've we've included a few
related as well as matching keywords
which tells YouTube what our video is
about as well as we can potentially rank
for those keywords itself plus
everything is readable and people can
understand it you have to keep in mind
we're not uploading a video for the
algorithm or to rank we're uploading a
video for the viewer to understand and
get value out of our video never forget
that part now if you want you can also
use the AI description generator from
vid IQ for example if you type in
Shopify SEO you can click on generate
and then right there is going to help
you create a description which honestly
is actually pretty accurate as you can
see right there it also includes quite a
few keywords they give you three options
just like that so you may use this as a
draft and then improve it yourself to
make this process even quicker however
don't follow this blindly always make
sure you check and research yourself
then we've got to attach the thumbnail
there we go Shopify SEO optimization
2023 very easy to understand let's
scroll down not made for kids and now
let's let's go to the tags because a lot
of people wonder if tags are actually
important and they think that you can
get millions of views by using the exact
tags that you need which honestly is not
true so all I do myself I go to a
website called rabit I take the
keyword that I want to rank for which in
this case is Shopify SEO optimization I
go to the tag generator I search for
this hit search and then as you can see
all of these tags show up I simply copy
them and then I paste them right here
and that is it I'm done now sometimes I
will check whether it says 2022 and then
I'll remove that at all or I'll change
it to 2023 but apart from that just read
through see if it makes sense which in
this case it does we've got SEO on
Shopify Shopify SEO tips Shopify SEO
tutorial the list goes on and on so
these are perfect tags now YouTube even
says it themselves tags can be useful if
content in your videos commonly
misspelled otherwise tags play a minimal
role in helping viewers find your video
so don't pay too much much attention
just do what I just did with rapid generator and that is it to be
honest we are now done and we have
completed the SEO for our video Let's
quickly sum up what we've done point one
we've included the exact keyword in our
title preferably at the beginning of
your title then we have used a few
related keywords as well as matching
terms in our description so that YouTube
knows what our video is about as well as
we can potentially rank for those
keywords then we've added a thumbnail
that is very easy to read as well tells
the viewer exactly what they're looking
for which in this case is Shopify SEO
optimization and then finally we have
added relevant tags for our keyword
using rapid now that you know
the freestep keyword research process it
is time to do this from start till
finish meaning step one two and three
all behind each other in one take which
is why now I would like to do live
keyword research with you so what I'm
going to do I'm going to set myself the
goal of finding a keyword I can rank for
with great traffic in search for my
personal channel right here and I want
you to do this with me when I'm
researching I want you to think as well
is this a good keyword if yes why so if
not why so let's get this going so
taking a look at my channel I mainly
cover faceless YouTube channel content
as well as creating content with AI
That's a topic that lately has been
doing very well for me so I'm going to
go to vid IQ and I want to find a
keyword I can rank for that is related
to creating content with AI so first of
all my main keyword that I'm going to
search for is AI and then I'm going to
go to matching terms on vid IQ then I'm
simply going to scroll through the
results so AI tools that could be
something that I might potentially uh
look into that could have some great
topics but I also spot AI video
generator right here now already I've
got this video right there AI video
generators which is getting about 500
views per day from YouTube search as of
right now as you can see 23 PR views per
hour which to be honest is pretty decent
so I actually go here and research this
topic a little bit more and from doing
so I find these keywords free AI video
generator AI video generator free so
it's interesting the first two results
the top results are about fre AI video
generators which I have not looked into
nor have I made a video about that so
that could potentially be something that
I could make a video about also with the
fact in mind mind that this video is
already doing well on that keyword so
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
take this one free AI video generator
and I'll search for this on YouTube and
then we'll analyze the results I have a
funny feeling that this might actually
be a very very good keyword for my
Channel all right so first of all as
always let's open up the first free
ranking results I'll actually do a few
more I'll do the first four simply
because this keyword is quite
interesting I'll explain why in a bit
then first of all let's take a look at
at the views per hour on the ranking
videos so this video is ranking number
one currently getting 11 views per hour
and as you can see it's going up very
very steadily it doesn't get more linear
than it does right here ranking video
number two 12.8 views per hour if we go
to views right here you can see kind of
died down however this is from a channel
Matt wolf it's a personal Channel big
channel so the views right here could
potentially be from recommendations and
that right now it is just sech traffic
that's kind of what I think it is since
the video is still picking up traffic
quite nicely and very steadily then the
thir result is at 100 views per hour
significantly more than the other two
however this is from fing media so a
pretty big Channel as well although it
is going up quite steadily I still think
that potentially this video is getting
pushed in the YouTube algorithm on the
homepage or recommendations simply
because this channel is so big and it
has a lot of views within just one month
also if we take a look at the title very
important to always remember remember
free AI video generator that's not even
what this video is you can see this AI
tool creates videos in seconds this is
not free AI video generator which makes
this unrelevant to include in our
research process however this one right
here free AI video generator doesn't
need include our keyword phrase and if
we take a look at this almost nine views
per hour also going up quite steadily
plus this is a small Channel which is
good to see which brings us first step
number two let's take a look how many
people actually use the keyword as their
title which is uh free AI video
generator so there's 20 results which is
quite big so the first video doesn't
need have the exact keyword same goes
for the second video third video doesn't
for video has it and then from there on
a few people have it now this one right
there is also performing very very well
so I'll just open it up quickly as well
just to take a look at that let's see
how many views per hour this is still
getting so this is is at almost 100
views per hour which is massive as well
which is actually quite crazy so we can
see that this is very staty as well
might still be traffic from
recommendations as I don't think there's
400,000 people searching for this in
Just 2 months however it shows that the
topic is really sought after a lot of
people like watching a video about the
free AI video generators then
considering that quite a few people have
this exact keyword phrase as their title
it's not the best sign however if we
then take a look at the channel size the
number one ranking video has only 20,000
subscribers I have 880,000 plus
subscribers so I'm four times bigger
than that channel I am much smaller than
the channel that's ranking second I'm
also much smaller than the video ranking
third however this is not relevant as
it's not really the exact keyword I'm
much bigger than this one right here so
the fact that a small channel here anit
was able to get good views and rank
pretty high on that video shows me that
this is indeed quite a decent keyword
you can see he's getting nine views per
hour which to be honest for his channel
that is already very good however I do
think that with my channel and the
quality of content that I'm making I
should be able to outrank definitely
these videos right here as this one is
not relevant this one is but much
smaller Channel and potentially even
these two results right here making free
AI video generator a very very good
keyword for me to make a video about
having found our keyword let's now take
a look at how to do the SEO for this
video to make sure it ranks so our video
keyword is free AI video generator so
that's the keyword that we need to
include in our title so that when people
search for this our video will show up
so first of all that needs to be in the
title so let's start off by pasting that
right here now our next step is to make
sure that this becomes a clickable title
because on my main Channel I also have
have subscribers that want to watch the
videos which is why for this video right
here I didn't just call it AI video
generators tutorial or something like
that I wanted to make it a very
clickable title so I went with I tried
five AI video generators to create
faceless YouTube videos so this right
there was the main keyword I was trying
to rank for which succeeded it's now
getting about 20 views per hour but I
also included another keyword create
faceless YouTube videos as well as I
made it an interesting title by saying I
tried knowing that this already worked
for me I'm going to do the exact same
thing here so I'm going to make this one
I tried free free is going to be all
caps lock cuz I want to put the emphasis
there AI video generators now what I can
do next is for example hit two dots and
I can say this is what happened or just
this happened for example and that's a
pretty interesting title however to be
honest I like to keep it searchable
content so I'm going to go with I tried
free AI video generators and then I want
to insert another keyword after that so
potentially I can just do the exact same
thing and then put to create faceless
YouTube videos I know for a fact that
that is indeed going to work out very
well so this could be the title that I
go with however for example I also know
that YouTube shorts is quite an engaging
topic and a lot of people search for
this so for example I can also search
for YouTube shorts and try and figure
out what people search for there to
include that into our keyword
for example faceless YouTube shorts and
there we go we now have a very engaging
clickable title with our keyword with is
free AI video generator as well as
another keyword create faceless YouTube
shorts that right there is going to
perform insanely well on my channel so
we're going to take this title we're
going to first of all copy it and put it
at the top of the description and then
now I want to include matching terms and
related keywords in our description
first of all say in this video
I will show you and then right there
that gives me the first opportunity to
put a related keyword for our main
keyword which is free AI video generator
so I'll go back to vid IQ I'll search
for this and then I'll go to related
keywords then as you can see right there
it's going to give us all of these for
example the best AI Video Creator or if
I go over here I'm probably going to see
best free AI video generator so that's
something I can include I will show you
the best AI
video generators that I need to make
sure I add best free AI video generators
in between there to create faceless
YouTube shorts now just real quick if we
go back to the YouTube shorts keyword
you'll see YouTube shorts monetization
is a very big keyword there so what I
can say is you might have
seen that YouTube
introduced YouTube shorts monetization
allowing you to make
money with YouTube
shorts so right there I just included
two keywords we've got YouTube shorts
monetization as well as make money with
YouTube shorts now do you still remember
the point of doing it like this first
point is to let YouTube know what our
video is about second point is to also
rank for when people search for these
keywords right here now potentially I
can make this description a bit longer
however as as of right now I already
have the main important keywords that I
want to rank for which is free AI video
generator we've got create faceless
YouTube shorts we've got YouTube shorts
monetization and make money with YouTube
shorts which to be honest is already a
pretty decent amount of keywords with
that being said as you now know the only
step left is the tags so remember what
we do is we take the main keyword that
we want to rank for which in this case
is free AI video generators we go to
Rapid we paste our keyword we
take the tags from here we paste them
and then there we go and that means
we're pretty much ready to roll now this
video cost me a lot of time to make in
case you're going to implement my
strategy I would really appreciate it if
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information at once I will also leave a
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being said please leave a like on the
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this as I got a lot more coming out and
I wish you a great day cannot wait to
see you rank your videos number one good
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