The most effective method to Make YOUTUBE CHANNEL Bit by bit
Hi, everyone!
This is Prabbhu, again, and welcome back to my channel.
So, for today's
post, I will teach you how to create a YouTube channel.
If you're interested
in how to do this, then just finish this video.
Do you want to
create a YouTube channel but do not know how to start?
So, for today's
post, I will give you a little idea.
These are just
basics on how to start or create your YouTube channel.
So, of course, we
need to have an internet connection first because it's online. So, you can't do
it offline. Okay?
Second, you need to
have a Gmail account or an email address of Gmail.
Because that's what
you will insert into your YouTube channel. Okay?
So, without a
further ado, let's start.
So, as I said, once
you have an internet connection, the next thing to do is create your Gmail
So, I will do a
screen record and I will use my other cellphone.
I will put the
screen right here in order for you to see it. So, let's start.
Take note, guys. If
you already have an existing Gmail account on your cellphone,
I'm not suggesting
to create another Gmail account on your Google browser. I will show you why.
So, there's the
screen recording. Like for example, we will click the Google app.
And then like me,
the Gmail account placed on my Google is existing. It's already listed here or
It's because it is
connected on my YouTube channel. So, I will show it to you, guys.
There it is.
That's my existing
account. If you click this box-liked icon, you can see the Gmail logo there,
which is this one.
If you click that,
this is what will appear. It does not have a sign up.
So, you will be
directed to the Gmail inbox of the existing Gmail account stored on your
I will show it to
you, guys. So you will not see any sign up there.
For those who are
not that techy, you will be a bit confused.
So, don't create
your Gmail account in this way. Okay?
Especially for those
like me who already have an existing account
or another Gmail
account on their own cellphone.
That is just an
example. Okay? So, there it is.
Let's close that and
go back.
So, what are you
going to do?
First, you have to
go to your cellphone's settings. It'll work on any cellphone as long as it has
its settings.
For me, my settings
are out.
So, here it is. That
is my settings.
So, what you're
going to do is to go to your cellphone's settings and click it.
There it is, then
look for the 'Account and sync.' It is here at the bottom.
Here it is, guys.
That's the 'Account
and sync.' So, you have to click it because we will create an account there.
So, you will see a
sentence in the bottom that says 'Add an account.' Okay?
So, click that 'Add
an account,' and then find 'Google.'
So, here it is,
That's the Google,
right? So, click that because we will create a Gmail account.
So, we will just
wait for it while loading.
It is already
So, this is what you
will see on your screen. Next, click 'Create account.' Okay? So, you have to
click it.
Because there's no
sign up in Google browser, right?
So, you need to go
to accounts and sync on your cellphone's settings.
So, there it is.
You will find here
the details you need to fill out. Like for example, mine.
For example, let's
assume that I still don't have a Gmail account. So, I will just put my name.
Put your first name.
And then your last
So, let's click
This 'Next' right
And then we will put
our birthday details next. So, click your birth month.
And also your birth
Your gender also. If
you're female or male or rather not say or custom. It's up to you.
But for me, I will
click female since, of course, I'm a female.
There you go. Sorry.
Let's click 'female.' And then Let's click 'Next.'
There it is. So, you
will put here the username you want.
Put your desired
username for your Gmail account.
Like for example,
for me...
Anything, guys. It's
up to you.
I'm just going to
my desired...
After that, click
'Next,' and then let's see if you're username is available because sometimes
it's not.
So, the username I
entered is available. Google already asks for a password.
So, just put your
password. It must be combination of letters and password and it's better if it
is longer. Okay?
Okay, okay?
So, I'm just going
to put my password.
There you go. So,
once you confirmed the password that you entered, click 'Next.'
So, we are already
here in privacy and terms.
So, you just have to
scroll it down, then you will see a sentence that says 'I agree,' then you just
have to click it.
And then we will
just wait because it is still loading.
So, there you go.
The username, email address, and the password you entered is already set.
The password is
dotted. And then let's click 'Next.'
And then we will
just wait because it is still loading.
So, there it is.
Where is it? Oh,
right here. This is my new Gmail account.
So, we already have
a Gmail account without using the Google browser since it doesn't have a sign
So, I do not suggest
it especially for me, I already have an existing Gmail account.
So, since you
already have a Gmail account, the next thing to do is to connect it to our
YouTube channel.
Since most of all
cellphone have a YouTube app but for those who doesn't have yet, install it to
our Play Store.
Just go to your Play
Store and click it, then search YouTube and download or install it. Okay?
So, we have to go
We will now go to
YouTube app. Let's assume that you already have a YouTube app.
Let's click YouTube.
Let's wait.
So, you will see my
YouTube channel on the upper part.
There it is.
Do you see it?
Let's link the Gmail
account we just created.
So, just click the
picture on the upper right corner of your phone.
And then you will
see here 'Switch account.'
Okay. I have an
existing YouTube channel here on my cellphone. That's why.
I don't remember
what does it looks like without a channel.
Let's assume this,
and then for me, I will switch account.
Like for example.
And then let's just wait.
There it is. The
spelling I put in the name is wrong. Sorry, guys. I did not see.
Let's click the
Gmail account we just created because it will appear automatically here on
So, let's click the
new Gmail account we just created a while ago.
Let's just wait.
So, there it is. Our
profile picture looks like a letter M as you can see.
There you go.
So, you already have
a YouTube channel.
Click 'Your
channel.' There it is.
Did you followed it,
guys? Let's do it again.
Click your profile
on the upper right corner.
After that, click
'Your channel.' Okay? Once you clicked that, a prompt will appear.
Like this. Sorry.
A prompt will appear
like this.
So, it's up to you
if you use your own name as your YouTube channel name.
So, for me, I want
to change it to be different.
Because my main
channel is named Marian Genovania Reyes.
So, this time, we
will write Marian's...
'Marian's TV' like
for example.
Oops. I want it to
be in capital letter.
There you go. I
already put my desired name of my YouTube channel.
I wrote Marian's TV,
then after that, click the 'Create channel.'
So that, you can
create your own YouTube channel.
So, as you can see,
there's our YouTube channel that we just created.
So, you already have
your YouTube channel. That's how fast it is, guys. It's very basic.
It's kind of
confusing in creating a new Gmail account.
Especially if there
is an existing Gmail account on your Google or on your phone.
That's how you do
it, guys. You just have to go to your settings and look for the instructions I
said a while ago.
Okay? So...
Lets click back,
guys. And then let's refresh it because Marian's TV did not appear. So, let's
go back again.
There you go. So,
just click 'Your channel.' You can see the entire channel.
So, of course, it's
new. It is empty, there's nothing, no picture, no banner at the top,
It has no color or
anything because it is just a new channel.
So, let me just add,
guys. If you want to put a picture in your YouTube channel so that it is not
So, what you will
do, don't change your profile here in the app. Rather go to your Google
So, let me add this,
guys. Especially for those who want to put a picture on their profile but don't
know how to.
So, you have to go
to Google Chrome and click it.
And then, click the
search engine here and type ''
It will
automatically come out. So, I will just enter it.
There you go.
So, here, you can
see my main channel above.
Up there.
My YouTube channel.
So, we have to switch this account to our recently made account.
For me, I'll make it
a desktop site. So that, I can entirely see it.
What I do is I click
on these three-dot icon at the top and then you will see a 'desktop site'
So that, you can
entirely see it. I'm just going to click that.
There's the desktop
site option. You can entirely see your channel if you click it. There you go.
This is what I do,
guys, mostly. When I use browsers, I'll make it a desktop site so I can see it
more fully.
So, there you go.
Let's click our main channel and then let's click 'Switch account' again.
And then...
Let's click Marian's
Wait a minute.
There's a video playing. Sorry, guys. Is this Marian's TV?
Sorry, guys, my
internet connection is slowing down and it is hanging.
So, there you go.
We're already using my Marian's TV channel.
The next thing to
click to put a profile picture here in our YouTube channel is...
Let's click 'Your
channel' but I feel like it will go back to the YouTube app. No, I'm
wrong. So, it's correct, guys.
Just click 'Your
channel.' I thought it's wrong but it's actually right. It made me nervous.
So, there it is. You
can see 'Customize channel' at the upper part, then click it.
And then once you
click the 'Customize channel,' just click again this letter M.
There, you will see
something like a pencil.
Then click that
because that will be used as our profile picture.
You can see an 'Edit
channel' icon there. There's an 'Edit' option there. You have to click it.
And then you will be
taken to another link. So, there will appear 'Upload photo' automatically.
Then click 'Upload
And then click
'Files' to output all your files on your phone, then pictures will appear.
And then on the left
side I will just look for my albums.
So I can choose the picture
I want.
Then I will look for
my pictures here and choose which I like. Maybe this one.
Is it too bright?
The light from my phone reflects...
There it is. So,
when you already have chosen the picture you want, then click 'Done.'
Then just wait for
it while loading.
There you go. You
have a profile picture now and then just close that and go back to the website.
Which is the YouTube
website here in our browser.
There it is.
After that, lets go
back to the home page for you to also see it.
So, there it is,
There you go. It's
still loading but somehow,
You can see the
profile picture above has been changed. So, that's all.
And then let us
check the YouTube app if it has replaced. We just have to refresh it to see.
Sometimes the
response is slow but it's alright at least you now have a new YouTube channel.
So, that's all guys.
It's very basic.
There you go. So,
that's all, guys. That's how easy it is done.
And that's all for
today. Thank you so much for watching this video. I hope this helped you, guys.
And congratulations!
You already know how to create your own YouTube channel.
So, it's up to you
on what kind of videos you want to share to the viewers here in YouTube.
Is it a mukbang?
Beauty channel? Music? Or whatever. Make you videos based on what you like or
your passion.
So, I hope we're all
going to be successful. Good luck to all of us. If you enjoyed this video, then
please leave a like and if you're new to my channel, just subscribe. And hit
that bell button to be notified on my next and latest videos. So, that's all.
Take care and God bless.
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